איסור נגיעה בטיפול רפואי כחלק מלימודי רפואה


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


I am a second-year medical student. I was wondering how the prohibition of shomer negi‘a relates to medical training. How much do I have to avoid touching female patients and what exactly is considered lo be-derekh hibba?


From The Comprehensive Guide to Medical Halacha (second edition) by Professor Abraham S. Abraham , p. 205.

Seclusion With and Treatment of the Opposite Sex

A man should not be secluded in a closed room with a woman, single or

married, other than his wife, mother or daughter (1).

1. A man may study professions such as medicine, nursing and related technologies, such as radiography, etc., even though the practice of such professions necessitates examining or treating women patients (2).

2. A male physician may examine a married woman if her husband is in the city (3), or if the examination room door is not locked (4), even if the husband does not know where she is (5). Similarly, a man may be examined by a female physician if her husband is in the city or if the examination room door is not locked (6). In all cases it is preferable that a nurse or a member of the patient’s family be present in the room.

3. It is customary to permit a nurse to attend to a male patient (7).


1. Even ha-Ezer 22:1-2. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Nishmat Avraham vol. 3, Even ha-Ezer 22:2 (pp. 98-9), that this is so even with a sick patient. See also the opinion of the Rashba, responsa 1243.

2. R. Auerbach in Nishmat Avraham vol. 2, Yoreh De‘ah 195:7 (p. 115).

3. On the size of the city, see Nishmat Avraham vol. 3, Even ha-Ezer 22:9 (p. 104).

4. Responsa Tsits Eli‘ezer vol. 6, 40:12, from Even ha-Ezer 22:8 and Birkei Yosef 22:7. Responsa Iggerot Moshe, Even ha-Ezer vol. 4, 65:1.

5. Responsa Yosef Omets 97. Davar Halakha 7:2 in the name of Hazon Ish. Nishmat Avraham, Even ha-Ezer 22:1 (p. 91).

6. Responsa Tsits Eli‘ezer vol. 8, 27.

7. See Rama, Even ha-Ezer 5. Yoreh De‘ah 335:10. And see also Turei Zahav 335:5, Shah 335:9, and Birkei Yosef; She‘arim Metsuyanim be-Halakha 152:8.

I would like to add that, in practice, your question is one of the subjects in halakha which is masur la-lev, therefore you must ensure to the best of your ability that your intentions are halakhically acceptable.


שאלות נוספות

התנדבות במד"א בשבת

שלום רציתי לשאול לגבי התנדבות לכתחילה במד"א בשבת כי יש חוסר במתנדבים בשבת במד"א ירושלים [אני לא נהג] אם מותר. אם כן אז לגבי להחזיק

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