ramifications regarding the legality of cloning in halacha


12 ביוני 2015

הרב המשיב: אחר


Can you tell me halachic ramifications regarding the legality of cloning in halacha? When would you be allowed to clone? Can or cannot humans be cloned from a torah perspective? Can you clone an animal?


This topic is a complex one, which raises both hard-core halachic quesitons and also general hashkafic issues. I would like to forward you to a number of articles about the issue:
1. "Human Cloning: Scientifics,Ethical and Jewish Perspective."
(JME Vol. III No. 2 September 1998)
by Prof. Avraham Steinberg
Towards the end of the article is a halachic summary and practical suggestions.

2. The report: The Use of Embryonic Stem Cells for Therapeutic Research.
by the Bioethics Advisory Committee
The Israel Academy of Scinces and Humanities.

3. "Cloning People and Jewish Law: A Preliminary Analysis," by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde, in Jewish Law.
4."Torah Perspectives on Cloning" Part I and Part II, by Rabbi Chaim Jachter.
Kol Tuv,
Meir Orlian


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