Halacha and the ethics of scientific research


2 ביוני 2017

הרב המשיב: אחר


I am unsuccessful in finding halachik articles on the methods and ethics of scientific research.
I have found a couple of articles on Nazi expiremation and the question of if their results should be used. But coming back to less extreme situations, do you know of any published articles or sources on this topic?
Thank you


Rabbai Meir Orlian and Rabbi Dr Mordechai Halperin:
See the entry, "Human Experimentaion" in vol. II (pp. 520-535) of Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics, by Dr. Avraham Steinberg, translated by Dr. Fred Rosner, and references there.
See also some Modern Responsa on Medico-Moral Problems, by Lord Immanuel Jakobovits, in: Jewish Medical Ethics Vol I (Schlesinger Institute, Jerusalem, 2004) pp. 82-87.


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