Bibliography of Medical Ethics

רקובר, נחום. "Bibliography of Medical Ethics" JME 2,2, עמ' 53-59.

Bibliography of Medical Ethics

Bibliography of Medical Ethics

Prof. Nachum Rakover

Editor’s Note: In Jewish Medical Ethics Vol. I, No. 1 (May, 1988) we published an extract of medical halachic sources from the Multi -Language Bibliography of Jewish Law by Prof. Ahum Rakover, Deputy Attorney-General and Advisor on Jewish Law to the Ministry of Justice. Prof. Rakover's bibliography was published in full by the Library of Jewish Law (Jerusalem, 1990).

The following addenda and corrigenda to our previous extract will be of interest to readers of Jewish Medical Ethics.


CJ                                                                           Cahiers Juives, Paris

IYBHR                                                         Israel Year Book of Human

Rights JF                                                                           Jewish Forum

JHCS                              Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society

JJCS                                            Journal of Jewish Communal Service

JLAS                                                     Jewish Law Association Studies

JL                                                                                         Jewish Life

JMP                                                Journal of Medicine and Philosophy

JRJ                                                               Journal of Reform Judaism

JSOS                                                                      Jewish Social Studies

JSP                                                                                Jewish Spectator

MJU                   Medica Judaica, Journal of Medicine, Past and Present

PAOJS                                                    Proceedings of the Association

                                                                 of Orthodox Jewish Scientists

RHMH Revue de l'Histoire de la Medicine Hebraique



1.    Alpert, Rebecca T.: Jewish tradition and the right to health care. Reconstructionist 49,6 (1984), p.15-20.

2.    Axelrud, P.S.: L'alimentation selon la Torah devant la medecine contemporaire. RHMH 48 (1960), p.81-85.

3.    Blakely, Stuart B.: The medicine of the Hebrew Bible. Jewish Times, 10.12.(1920).

4.    Bleich, J. David: Medical questions and Shabbat: medical questions concerning Shabbat; emergency use of an automobile on Shabbat; accompanying a patient on Shabbat; induced labor; circumcision on Shabbat. In: Contemporary Halachic Problems, N.Y. 1977, p. 129-145.

5.    Bleich, J. David: The role and obligations of the physician. L'eylah 2,1 (5741), p.7-11.

6.    Bleich, J. David: Judaism and healing: halachic perspectives. N.Y. 1981, 13+199p.

7.    Borchard, Marc: L'hygiene publique chez les Juifs. Paris 1865, 39p.

8.    Brody, Baruch A.: The use of halakhic material in discussions of medical ethics. JMP 8 (1983), p.317-328.

9.    Davis, Eli: Aspects of medicine in the Hebrew Bible. Koroth 9 (1986), Engl. sect., p.265-268.

10.  Englard, Izhak: The example of medicine in law and equity; on a methodological analogy in classical and Jewish thought. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 5 (1985), p.238-247.

11.  Feldman,   David   M.:   Rosner,   Fred   (eds.): Compendium on medical ethics. 6th ed. N.Y. 1984, 10+149 p.

12. Feldman, David M.: Health and medicine in the Jewish tradition. N.Y. 1986, 114 p.

13. Franck, Isaac (ed.): Biomedical ethics in perspective of Jewish teaching and tradition. Proceedings of an academic conference. Washington, D.C. 1980, p. 207-215.

14.  Franck, Issac: Jewish biomedical ethics in a non-Jewish world. In: Biomedical ethics in perspective of Jewish teaching and tradition, ed. Isaac Franck, Washington, D.C. 1980, p.50-57.

15.  Franck, Issac Understanding Jewish medical ethics: reflections on the papers. JMP 8 (1983), p.207-215.

16.  Gereboff, Joel: Jewish bioethics; redefining the field. Religious Studies Review 8 (1982), p. 316-324.

17.  Ginzburger, Binjamin Wolf: Medicin im Talmud. 1745*.

18. Greenberg, Irving: Toward convenantal ethic of medicine. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 124-149.

19. Greene, Velvl: Ethical issues in community health. B'or Ha'torah 5 (1986), p. 39-51.

20. Gribetz, D.: Tendler, Moses D. (eds.): Medical ethics: the Jewish point of view. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 51 (1984), p. 1-2.

21. Jakobovits, Immanuel: The physician in Jewish law and religious literature. Harofe Haivri 29,1 (1956), Engl. sect., p. 180-171; 29,2 (1956), Engl. sect., p.169-156.

22. Jakobovits, Immanuel: The consideration of human pain in Jewish law. Harofe Haivri 32,1 (1959), Engl. sect., p. 168-161.

23. Jakobovits, Immanuel: Medicine and religion – a Jewish view. In: Journal of a Rabbi, N.Y. 1966, p. 154-172.

24. Jakobovits, Immanuel: Medicine in Jewish law. In: Journal of a Rabbi, N.Y. 1966, p. 154-172.

25. Jakobovits, Immanuel: Medicine and Judaism, an overview. Assia 7,3-4 (1980), Engl. sect., p.57-78.

26.  Jakobovits, Immanuel: Medizin und Ethik im Judentum. In: Begegungen mit dem Judentum, ed. Bernhard Rubenach, Stutgart 1981, p. 181-188.

27. Jakobovits, Immanuel: The doctor's duty to heal and the patient's consent. L'eylah 2,2 (5742), p. 4-6 = Consent in medicine – Convergence and divergence in tradition, eds. G.R. Dunstan and Mary J. Seller, London 1983, p. 32-36.

28. Jakobovits, Immanuel: Judaism and medicine. In: World religions and medicine, ed. David Goodacre, Oxford 1983, p. 33-42.

29. Jakobovits, Immanuel: Jewish medical ethics – a brief overview. Journal of Medical Ethics 9(1983), p. 109-112.

30. Jakobovits, Immanuel: Some letters on Jewish medical ethics. JMP 8 (1983), p. 217-224.

31. Jakobovits, Immanuel: La posizione dello Shulhan Arukh in confronto al Talmud e a Maimonide in questioni mediche. Memorial vol. Cassuto, Jerusalem 1986 p. 234-247.

32.  Kleeberg, Julius: A medical study of the story of Samson and Delilah. Koroth 7,9-10 (1979), Eng. sect., p. 195-202.

33. Kottek, Samuel: La maladie vue par les maitres du Talmud. Almanach du KKL, Strasbourg 1980, p. 65-71.

34.  Lamm, Norman: Is it a Mitzvah to administer medical therapy? JHCS 8 (1984), p. 5-13.

35.  Levin, Faitel: Health, you and the Halacah. Or Hadorom 3 (1986), p. 21-66.

36.  Levin, Faitel: Halacha, medical science and technology; perspectives on contemporary Halacha issues. N.Y. 1987, 8+210 p.

37.  Medvei, Bela: Az 6-testamentumi egeszsegugy jelenkori vilagitasban (Die alttestamentliche Hygiene im spiegel der Gegenwart). [Budapest] 1904, 23 p.

38. Morgenstern, Moshe. Halachic perspective: bio­medical ethics – Ohr Tsiporah: a study of the Torah attitude to the sacredness, dignity, and individuality of human life from conception to death. N.Y. 1981, 90 p.

39.  Novak, David: Judaism and contemporary bioethics. JMP 4 (1979), p. 347-366 = Halakha in a theological dimension, Chico 1985, p. 82-101.

40. Oppler: Einiges aus der altjudischen Medicin. Deutsches Archiv fur die Geschichte der Medizin 4 (1881), p.62f.

41. Rackman, Emanuel: Morality in medico-legal problems: a Jewish view. New York University Law Review 31 (1956), pp. 1205-1214.

42.  Rackman, Emanuel: Jewish medical ethics and law. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 150-173.

43.  Rosner, Fred: The traditionalist Jewish physician and modern biomedical ethical problems. JMP 8 (1983), p. 225-241.

44.  Rosner, Fred: Medicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides. N.Y. 1984, 14+325 p.

45.  Rosner, Fred: The physician's license to heal. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 7-13.

46. Rosner, Fred: The patient's obligation to seek healing. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p.15-21.

47.  Rosner, Fred: The Jewish physician and biomedical ethics. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p.23-36.

48.  Rosner, Fred: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics. N.Y. 1986, 14+405 p.

49.  Rosner, Fred; Bleich, J. David (eds.): Jewish bioethics, N.Y. 1979, 19+424 p. /R: Shapiro, Michael, Journal of Religion 63 (1983), p. 330-331.

50.  Rubenstein, Samuel: Health and medicine in Jewish law. N.Y. 1977, 27 p.

51.  Savitz, H.: Jacob Zahalon and his book 'The treasure of life'. New England Journal of Medicine 213 (1935), p. 167 ff*.

52.  Schaffer, Sylvan: Providing and accepting medical and psychiatric treatment. JHCS 8 (1984), p. 101-117.

53.  Schulweis, Harold M.: The doctor in the patient; the patient in the doctor. Reconstructionist 49,6 (1984), p. 13-14, 32.

54Segre, Isacco: L'igiene nella Bibbia e nei libri rabbinici. Torino 1897, 54 p.; repr. 1980.

55.  Siegel, Seymour: Biomedical ethics. Sh'ma 13 (1982-83), p.109-111.

56.  Sinclair, Daniel B.: Law and morality in halakhic bioethics. JLAS 2 (1986), p. 143-163.

57.  Singer, Elias: Maimonides medico. In: Maimonides, Buenos Aires 1935, p. 267-283.

58.  Slo-Bodkin, S. Garson: Medical gleanings from the Code of Jewish law. JF 17 (1934), p.320, 324, 349-350.

59.  Sprengel, Kurt (praes.); Levin, Meyer (resp.): Analecta historica ad medicinam Ebraeorum. Dissert. Halle 1798, 58 p.

60.  Steinberg, Avraham (ed.): Jewish medical law: a concise responsa. Compiled and edited from the Tzitz Eliezer. Jerusalem 1980, 12+180 p. R: Allen, Wayne: Torah and medicine. JSp 48,2 (1983), p. 48-49.

61.  Straus, Livia Salmanovitz; Straus, Marc J.: Physicians in the Bible and the Code of Hammurabi. MJu 2,1 (1972), p. 13-14.

62.  Tendler, Moses D. (ed.): Medical ethics; a compendium of Jewish moral, ethical and religious principles in medical practice. 5th ed., N.Y. 1975, 64p.; Addendum: N.Y. 1981, 90p.

63.  Toaff, Renzo: Deontologia dei medici ebrei nei secoli. Memorial vol. Cassuto, Jerusalem 1986, p. 209-233.

Medical experimentation on humans and animals

64.  Bleich, J. David: Judaism and animal experimentation. Tradition 22,1 (1986), p. 1-36.

65.  Rosner, Fred: Animal experimentation. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 317-337.

66.  Warhaftig, Itamar: Medical experimentation on prison inmates. Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 175-182.


67.  Ellinson, Getsel: Natural family planning as reflected in contemporary rabbinic responsa. JSOS 46 (1984), P. 51-60.

68.  Goldman, Alex J.: Birth control. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 109-137.

69.  Jakobovits, Immanuel: Problems of Jewish family life, with special reference to birth-control and artificial insemination. In: Journal of a Rabbi, N.Y. 1966, p. 200-220.

70.  Jakobovits, Immanuel: Population explosion, the Jewish attitude to birth control. MJu 1,1 (1970), p. 16-23.

71.  Morgenstern, Moshe: Amniotic testing and Halacha. In: Halachic perspective: bio-medical ethics -Ohr Tsiporah, N.Y. 1981, p. 25-31.

72.  Rosner, Fred: The biblical-talmudic secret for choosing one's baby's sex. Assia 7,1-2 (1980), Engl. sect,. p. 45-51.

73.  Rosner, Fred: Contraception. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 75-89.

74.  Schachter, Hershel: Halachic aspects of family planning. JHCS 4 (1982), p.5-32 = Halacha and contemporary society, ed. Alfred S. Cohen, N.Y. 1984, p. 3-30.

Artificial fertilization

75.  Cohen, Alfred S.: Artificial insemination. JHCS 13 (1987), p. 43-59.

76.  Drori, Moshe: Artificial insemination; is it adultery? In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nachum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 203-216.

77.  Feldman, David M.: The ethical implications of new reproductive techniques. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 174-182.

78. Goldberg, Zalman N.: Maternity in fetal transplants. Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 71-77. /Bick, Ezra, ib. p. 79-85.

79. Goldman, Alex J.: Artificial insemination. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 74-86.

80. Green, Joseph: Artificial insemination in Israel -a legal view; the position of the Israeli judicial system regarding artificial insemination of a married woman. PAOJS 9 (1987), p.213-234.

81. Halperin, Mordechai: Applying the principles of Halacha to modern medicine: in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and frozen embryo. PAOJS 9 (1987), p. 197-212.

82.  Jakobovits, Immanuel: Problems of Jewish family life, with special reference to birth-control and artificial insemination. In: Journal of a Rabbi, N.Y. 1966, p. 200-220.

83. Jakobovits, Immanuel: In vitro fertilisation and genetic engineering. L'eylah 2,6 (5744), p. 1-5.

84.  Jakobovits, Immanuel: Human fertilisation and embryology – a Jewish view. London 1984, 22p.

85. Leiman Sid Z.: Jewish ethical teaching and technological advance. In: Contemporary ethical issues in the Jewish and Christian traditions, ed. Frederick E. Greenspahn, Hoboken 1986, p. 9-29.

86. Rosenfeld, Azriel: Generation, gestation and Judaism. Tradition 12,1 (1971), p. 78-87.

87.  Rosner, Fred: Test tube babies, host mothers and genetic engineering in Judaism. Tradition 19 (1981), p. 141-148.

88.  Rosner, Fred: In vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood: the Jewish view. Journal of Religion and Health 22 (1983), p. 139-160.

89.  Rosner, Fred: Artificial insemination. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 91-105.

90.  Rosner, Fred: In vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, and sex organ transplants. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 107-127.


91.  Bleich, J. David: Sexuality and procreation: an address. In: Biomedical ethics in perspective of Jewish teaching and tradition, ed. Isaac Franck, Washington D.C. 1980, p. 1-11. /R: Gittelson, Roland B., ib. p. 12-15; Lavine, Thelma Z., ib. p. 15-19; Questions and answers, ib. p. 20-27.

92.  Bleich, J. David: Abortion and Jewish law. In: New perspectives on human abortion, eds. Thomas W. Hilgers, Dennis J. Horan, and David Mall, Frederick, Md. 1981, p. 405-419.

93.  Brickner, Balfour: Judaism and abortion. In; Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p. 279-283.

94.  Carmy, Shalom: Halacha and philosophical approaches to abortion. Tradition 16,3 (1977), p. 126-157.

95.  Frimer, Dov: The right of self-defence and abortion. In: Maimonides as codifier of Jewish law, ed. Nachum Rakover, Jerusalem 1987, p. 195-216.

96.  Goldman, Alex J.: Abortion. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 35-62.

97.  Greenberg, Blu: Abortion: a challenge to Halacha. Judaism 25 (1976), p. 201-208.

98.  Herring, Basil F.: Abortion. In: Jewish ethics and Halacha for our time: Sources and commentary. N.Y. 1984, p. 25-45.

99.  Jakobovits, Immanuel: Jewish views on abortion. Western Reserve Law Review 17 (1965), p. 480-497 = Abortion and the law, ed. David T. Smith, Cleveland 1967, p. 124-143 = Child and Family 1 (1968), p. 142-155 = Jubilee vol. Schuster, 1971, p. 34-52 = Abortion, society and the law, eds. David F. Walbert and Douglas J. Butler, Cleveland 1973, p. 103-121 = Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 118-133; with additions: Human Life Review 1,1 (1975), p. 74-84.

100.     Kass, Norman: Abortion in Jewish law. Koroth 8,7-8 (1983), Engl. sect., p. 323-331.

101.     Klein, Isaac: Abortion and the Jewish tradition. In: Contemporary Jewish ethics, ed. Menachem Marc Kellner, N.Y. 1978, p.270-278.

102.     Lubarsky, Sandra B.: Judaism and the justification of abortion for non-medical reasons. JRJ 31,4(1984), p. 1-13.

103.     Morgenstern, Moshe: Halachic perspective: bio­medical ethics – Ohr Tsiporah: a study of the Torah attitude to the sacredness, dignity, and individuality of human life from conception to death. N.Y. 1981, 90 p.

104.     Roberg, Netanel: Therapeutic abortion. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nachum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 233-241.

105.     Rosner, Fred: Abortion. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1968, p. 139-160.

106.     Spero, Moshe Halevi: Psychiatric hazard in the halachic disposition towards birth control and abortion: the role of the caseworker. JJCS 53 (1976-77), p. 155-164.

Organ transplant. Heart transplant. Establishing time of death. Autopsies.

107.     Bleich, J. David: Artificial heart, but real human being. Sh'ma 13 (1982-83), p. 40-41 = Jewish Digest 28,9 (1983), p. 63-64.

108.Bleich, J. David: Artificial heart implantation. In: Survey of recent halachic periodical literature. Tradition 22,2 (1986), p. 67-88.

109.Cohen, Shlomo: Autopsie und Judentum – die historische Entwicklung. Tradition und Erneuerung 45 (1978), p. 4-11*.

110.Feinstein, Morley T.: Baby Fae and Jewish ethics. JSp 50,1 (1985), p. 41-42.

111.Fink, Reuven: Halachic aspects of organ transplantation. JHCS 5 (1983), p. 45-64.

112.Frankel, Yitzhaq Yedidya: The sanctity of human life. In: The dying human, eds. Andre de Vries and Amnon Carmi, Ramat Gan 1979, p. 195-199.

113.Frenkel, David A.: Transplants. In: Jewish law and current legal problems, ed. Nachum Rakover, Jerusalem, 1984, p. 195-201.

114.Goldfarb, Daniel C: The definition of death in the common law and Jewish tradition. CJ 30,2 (1976), p. 10-22 /:Siegel, Seymour: Updating the criteria of death. ib. p. 23-30; Discussion; p. 31-39.

115.Goldman, Alex J.: Organ transplants. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 87-108.

116.Goldman, Alex J.: Organ transplants. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 211-237.

117.Jakobovits, Immanuel: Ethical problems regarding the termination of life. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 84-95.

118.Morgenstern, Moshe: conflict of lives: surrendering a fugitive, organ transplants, and the removal of a life sustaining system. In: Halachic perspective: bio-medical ethics – Ohr Tsiporah, N.Y. 1981, p. 58-71.

119.Rosenfeld, Azriel: The heart, the head and Halacha. New York State Journal of Medicine 70 (1970), p. 2615-2619.

120.Rosner, Fred: Genetic engineering and Judaism. In: Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 409-420.

121.Rosner, Fred: Definition of death in Jewish law. New York State Journal of Medicine 83 (1983), p. 973-978.

122.Rosner, Fred: Jewish perspectives on issues of death and dying. JHCS 11 (1986), p. 50-69.

123.Rosner, Fred: Definition of death. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 241-254.

124.Rosner, Fred: Organ transplantation. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 255-275.

125.Rosner, Fred: Autopsy. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 277-297.

126.Sacks, Jonathan: Recent responsa: mentally incompetent persons as organ donors. L'eylah 2,5 (5743), p. 6-9.

127.Schwartz, Harry: Medical-ethical issues and the Jewish tradition. N.Y. 1981, 17 p.

128.Schwob, Alexandre: Essai sur la medecine legale chez les Hebreux. Dissert. Strasbourg 1861, 81 p.

129.Siegel, Seymour: Healing and the definition of death: an address. In: Biomedical ethics in Perspective of Jewish Teaching and tradition, ed. Isaac Franck, Washington D.C. 1980, p. 28-33. /R: Gorovitz, Samuel, ib. p. 34-38; Rosner, Fred, ib. p. 38-43; concluding statement: Bleich, J. David; Gittelsohn, Roland B.; Lavine, Thelma Z.; Siegel, Seymour; Gorovitz, Samuel, ib. p. 44-49.

130.Sinclair, Daniel B.: Terminating the life of a critically ill patient in Jewish law. Dissert. Jerusalem 1986, 233+12p.

131.[Tagger, Binyamin]: Les transplantations cardiaques. Kountrass 2 (Jan.-Feb. 1987), p. 35-37.

132.Tendler, M.: Cessation of brain function: ethical implications in terminal care and organ transplant. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 315 (1978), p. 394 ff.*

133.Yisraeli, Shaul: Skin transplants for burn victims. Crossroads 1 (1987), p. 137-145.


134.  Bleich, J. David: Prostate surgery. In: Survey of recent halachic periodical literature. Tradition 20 (1982), p. 254-264.

135.Ozarowski, Joseph S.: Tubal ligation and Jewish law: An overview. JHCS 7 (1984), p. 41-52.

Sex change

Bleich, J. David: Transsexual surgery. In: Jewish bioethics, eds. Fred Rosner and J. David Bleich, N.Y. 1979, p. 191-196.

Physician's oath. Confidentiality

136.Glick, Shimon: A comparison of the oaths of Hippocrates and Asaph. Koroth 9,3-4 (1986), Engl. sect., p. 297-302.

137.Rozos, B., a.o.: The Hippocratic oath and Maimonides' prayer. Koroth 8,5-6 (1982), Engl. sect., p. 248-258.

138.Rupp, Hans Georg: The oath of Asaph – a structural analysis of the literature and of the biblical sources of its ethics. Koroth 9, 1-2 (1985), p. 205-209.

139.Spero, Moshe Halevi: Halachic definitions of confidentiality in the sychotherapeutic encounter: Theory and practice. Tradition 20 (1982), p. 298-326.


140.Bleich, J. David: Physicians' fees. In: Survey of recent halachic periodical literature. Tradition 19 (1981), P. 354-358.

141.Bleich, J. David: Physicians strikes. In: Survey of recent halachic periodical literature. Tradition 21,3 (1984), p. 80-84.

142.Carmi, Amnon: Optimus inter medicos ad Gehannam. In: Law and medicine, Haifa 1987, p. 210-217.

143.Carmi, Amnon. Doctors and patients in Jewish law. In: Law and medicine, Haifa 1987, p. 218-224.

144.Carter, K. Codell: An illustration of the religious foundations of talmudic medicine: tractate Megillah, fal. 27b-28a. Koroth 9,1-2 (1985), p. 92-98

145.     Daube, David: Legal problems in medical advance. ILR 6 (1971), p. 1-17.

146.     Franck, I.: Jewish religious law as a model of the patient-physician relationship. In: The Clinical encounter, ed. Earl E. Shelp, Dordrecht 1983, p. 141-148*.

147.     Frimer, Dov I.: Medical examinations by order of the court and the right to privacy: the common law and Jewish law experienced. ILR 17 (1982),


148.     Golding, Martin P.: Preventive vs. curative medicine: Perspectives of the Jewish legal tradition. JMP 8 (1983), p. 269-286.

149.     Goldman, Alex J.: Cryobiology (freezing of human bodies). In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 151-157.

150.     Goldman, Alex J.: Drugs. In: Judaism confronts contemporary issues, N.Y. 1978, p. 158-170.

151.     Gordon, Harry H.: The doctor-patient relationship. JMP 8 (1983), p. 243-255.

152.     Green, Ronald: Genetic medicine in the perspective of orthodox Halacha. Judaism 34 (1985), p. 263-277.

153.     Herring, Basil F.: Truth and the dying patient. In: Jewish ethics and Halacha for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 47-65.

154.     Herring, Basil F.: Smoking and drugs. In: Jewish ethics and Halacha for our time: Sources and commentary, N.Y. 1984, p. 221-243.

155.     Jakobovits, Immanuel: Jewish views on plastic surgery. In: Journal of a Rabbi, N.Y. 1966, p. 193-200.

156.     Jakobovits, Immanuel: Genetic engineering. L'eylah 2,2 (5742), p. 3-4.

157.     Jakobovits, Immanuel: In vitro fertilisation and genetic engineering. L'eylah 2,6 (5744), p. 1-8.

158.     Jakobovits, Immanuel: Plastic surgery on Down's syndrome children. L'eylah 2,8 (5745), p. 1-3.

159.     Kass, Norman: The place of medicine in the Talmud. Koroth 9,5-6 (1987), Engl. sect., p. 494-502.

160.     Langsam, Yedidyah: Genetic counseling and engineering, family conflicts and therapy, and measurement standards. Intercom 20,1 (1983), p. 7-13.

161.     Lifschitz, Chaim: Jewish medicine: a prophylactic approach. Koroth 8,5-6 (1982), Engl. sect., p. 157-169.

162.     Meier, Levi: Code and no-code; a psychological analysis and the viewpoint of Jewish law. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 35-45.

163.     Newmyer, Stephen: Talmudic medicine and Greek sources. Koroth 9,1-2 (1985), p. 34-57.

164.     Novak, David: Alcohol and drug abuse in the perspective of Jewish tradition. Judaism 33 (1984), p. 221-232 = Halacha in a theological dimension, Chico 1985, p. 72-81.

165.     Ozarowski, Joseph S.: Malpractice, JHCS 14 (1987), P.111-127.

166.     Palmer, Bernard (ed.): Medicine and the Bible. Exter 1986, 272p.

167.     Rabinovitch, Nachum L.: On the risk-benefit ratio or cost-effectiveness in medicine. Jubilee vol. Jakobovits, 1986, p. 227-233.

168.     Rosner, Fred: Tay-Sachs disease: to screen or not to screen. Tradition 15,4 (1976), p. 101-112 = Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 161-171

169.     Rosner, Fred: Jewish ethical issues in hazardous medical therapy. Tradition 19 (1981), p. 55-58.

170.     Rosner, Fred: Test tube babies, host mothers and genetic engineering in Judaism. Tradition 19 (1981), p. 141-148.

171.     Rosner, Fred: Cigarette smoking and Jewish law. JHCS 4 (1982), p. 33-45.

172.     Rosner, Fred: The best physicians destined for Gehenna.   New York  State  Journal  of  Medicine   83 (1983), p. 970-972 = Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 37-43.

173.     Rosner, Fred: The rationing of medical care: The Jewish view. JHCS 6 (1983), p. 21-32.

174.     Rosner, Fred: Priests studying and practicing medicine. JHCS 8 (1984), p. 48-61 = Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 45-58.

175.     Rosner, Fred: Informing the patient. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 59-65.

176.     Rosner, Fred: Sex preselection and predetermination. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethcis, N.Y. 1986, p. 129-137.

177.     Rosner, Fred: Genetic enineering. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 173-185

178.     Rosner, Fred: Cigarette and marijuana smoking. In: Modern medicine and Jewish ethics, N.Y. 1986, p. 363-375.

179.     Rosner, Fred: Risks versus benefits in treating the gravely ill patient; ethical and religious considerations. In: Jewish values in bioethics, ed. Levi Meier, N.Y. 1986, p. 46-74.

180.     Rosner, Fred: The medical writings of Moses Maimonides. PAOJS 8 (1987), p. 75-91

181.     Rosner, Fred: AIDS: a Jewish view. JHCS 13 (1987), p. 21-41.

182.     Sacks, Jonathan: Cosmetic surgery. L'eylah 2,3 (5742), p. 14-17.

183.     Sacks, Jonathan: Genetic engineering and Jewish law. Jewish Digest 27,10 (1982), p. 9-13.

184.     Schachter, Hershel: Medical malpractice. In: Jewish law and curent legal problems, ed. Nachum Rakover, Jerusalem 1984, p. 217-223.

185.     Spero, Moshe Halevi: The halachic status of Hirhur Assur in psychotherapy. Assia 7,1-2 (1980), Engl. sect., p. 52-64.

186.     Spiegler, Samuel: Jewish ethical principles and genetic engineering. JJCS 61 (1984-85), p. 194-195.

187.     Steinberg, Avraham: The contribution of rabbinic law to the understanding of talmudic medical data. Koroth 9,1-2 (1985), p. 60-72.

188.     Tendler, Moses D.: The ethics of gene manipulation: DNA recombinant, cell fusion and cell uptake research. Intercom 17 (1978), p. 4-7.

189.     Troster, Lawrence: Therapy or engineering: Jewish responses to genetic research. Reconstructionist 49, 6(1984), p. 21-25.

190.     Weiss, Faedra Lazar: Genetic counselling in a liberal Jewish context. Reconstructionist 59, 6 (1984), p. 26-32.

191.     Zimmels, Hirsch Jakob: Magicians, theologians and doctors; studies in folk-medicine and folklore as reflected in the rabbinical responsa, 12th-19th centuries. London 1952, 8+293 p.

* An asterisk at the end of an entry indicates that the work was unavailable to the author.



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לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית לפרומי בלוף קינץ תתיח לרעח. לת צשחמי צש בליא, מנסוטו צמלח לביקו ננבי, צמוקו בלוקריה.