feeding machine on shabbat for a severely brain damaged child


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


is a person allowed to turn a feeding machine on shabbat for a severely brain damaged child that is fed through their stomache, given that using a syringe will not be efficient enough and also will send the food too quickly into the stomache?

also, with regards to working in a hospital in chutz laaretz where all the patients are non jews, what is the source allowing a jewish doctor who has to work on shabbos in this hospital- something about the way the non jews will treat us, if he doesnt?


1. a person is allowed to turn a feeding machine on Shabbat for a severely brain

damaged child that is fed through their stomache, given that using a syringe will not be efficient enough and also will send the food too quickly into the stomache.

But wherever it is possible, those action should take place “Beshinuy”

2. It is permitted to treat a gentile on Shabbat.

See: Abraham S. Abraham, M.D., FRCP, Nishmat Avraham Volume IV Orach-Chaim, section 330, mark 2. (in Hebrew).



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