נסיעה לתורנות בשבת


12 בספטמבר 2004

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


I have 2 questions for you and the team.

This last Shabbos I had a shift starting a 2PM. I ordered a cab before Shabbos from a cab company to pick me up as my Rabbi here said I should. Guess what – the cab driver was Jewish – I was so upset. I am not really sure of what to do now – should I have taken the cab or got out? how else could I have got to the hospital? Can I call that company again (most of their workers are goyim I am sure), Should I ask for a black or Asian cab driver next time (this may be seen as a form of racism)? Any thoughts?

Also do you have a source article in a medical journal stipulating that giving analgesia to patients who are ill and inevidabley going die, will not shorten their life?


To answer your question, we need to know your function in the hospital.

Are you engaged in life saving proceedures ?


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