Copper IUD


22 בפברואר 2013


Dear Rabbi Dr. Halperin,

Can you help me with the following question.

A copper IUD works by destroying the sperm before fertilization, or barring that, by destroying the fertilized egg before implantation (at least that is what I have been told and have read).

I am wondering about this second function. On the assumption that abortion is assur from the time of fertilization, Is it in fact clear that it is muttar to insert (in advance ) a device which will emit copper ions which will destroy the fertilized egg? I haven't noticed that poskim have been concerned about this.

Are my facts wrong? Or is there some other heter?


 Please see: "IUD with copper" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

"Mechanism of Action: The copper IUD's primary mechanism of action is to prevent fertilization.[7][16][17][18] Copper acts as a natural spermicide within the uterus. The presence of copper increases the levels of copper ions, prostaglandins, and white blood cells within the uterine and tubal fluids.[7][16]Although not a primary mechanism of action, some experts in human reproduction believe there is sufficient evidence to suggest that IUDs with copper can disrupt implantation,[19] especially when used for emergency contraception.[20][21] Despite this, there has been no definitive evidence that IUD users have higher rates of embryonic loss than women not using contraception.[16] Therefore, the copper IUD is considered to be a true contraceptive and not an abortifacient."


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