practical laws that should be observed while in the anatomy lab.


6 ביולי 2012

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין



I am trying to compile a list of practical laws that should be observed while in the anatomy lab. Shulchan Aruch in Yoreh Deah 367 and 368 lists halachos that apply to Jewish cemeteries:
1. Do any of these laws apply to anatomy lab, assuming that the cadavers are non-Jewish?
2. For instance, is it technically permitted to eat or drink in the anatomy lab?
3. Also, would any of the customs/laws followed by a chevra kadisha apply?
4. For example, is it permitted to pass objects across the cadaver or leave the face uncovered even when not dissecting the face?
5. Also, Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 4:18 requires washing hands after touching a cadaver, does this apply to non-Jewish cadavers in the anatomy lab?
 Are there any teshuvos or journal articles that deal with these types of questions?
Thank you very much,


1. The answer is affirmative.
2.  It is not permissible to eat or drink in the described anatomy lab.
3.  In general, the Minhagim of the Chevra Kadisha apply only to deceased that they are in charge of, but Minhagiom that have to do with Kvod Hamet apply in every case.
4.  Actions and conventions depicted in this question originate with basic dignity – kvod hamet, and therefore apply universally.
5.  The obligation to wash the hands after touching the dead exists in any case.  


שאלות נוספות

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שלום רב. בימים האחרונים התברר לי כי אני חולה בלימפומת הוצ'קינס (תוצאת ביופסיה). הרופאה המטפלת (הדסה עין כרם) רוצה לבצע בהקדם האפשרי בדיקת מח עצם

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