elderly patient refusing PEG-feeding


9 בדצמבר 2011

הרב המשיב: אחר



Masjalomchem? I really obtained very good memories and a lot of useful information from my stay in your Institute. Nice to have contacts afterwards with a lot of fellow students!

Now a sudden question riseshere in our hospital. A patient of 96 said lately she did want a PEG-feeding (Isuppose this is the right nomenclature in English). (She is even Jewish Isuppose). But right now, despite her being bright with very limited speech, she makes clear she does not want any artificial feeding anymore. The physicianwants the advice of our Medical Committee. Do you know someone amongst you that can give me a Halachic advice?  In short term? I would be very obliged.

Very warm greetings,



Dear Dr. Decker,

1. From your email it seemed that the PEG operation may not have been performed yet. In that case, there is no obligation to undergo a surgical procedure to enable the feeding against the patient's clear wishes to discontinue her life. (See Asia VIII, pp. 24-25)

2. There is a difference, though, between a competent, communicative patient and a demented or unresponsive one. Food is considered a "natural need" that must be continued in demented and unresponsive patients (https://www.medethics.org.il/db/showQ.asp?id=4148; https://www.medethics.org.il/articles/JME/JMEM13/JMEM.13.5.asp).

3. For a general discussion regarding end of life issues, see article by Rabbi Y. Dovid Kaye: https://www.medethics.org.il/articles/JME/JMEM13/JMEM.13.4.asp

Meir Orlian


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