egg freezing


4 בנובמבר 2011

הרב המשיב: אחר


Dear IRP:
I am researching the issue of egg freezing for social purposes. I would like to know what the halachic issues are, if any, for an unmarried woman who elects to freeze her eggs. I understand that supervision (of the lab) and procedure would be necessary, but are there any other issues or concerns?

Thank you and Shana Tova,


Shana Tova,
Additional issues of concern and discussion include:
1. The general risk of any unnecessary invasive medical procedure and the accompanying risk of sedation under anesthesia. This is weighed based on the risk factors and the potential benefits of the procedure.

2. It was not clear in your question what you meant by "for social purposes." If the purpose is to enable her to have children with her own eggs more easily if she gets married late, there maternity is clear. However, if the purpose of the eggs is to donate to others, there is a further question of maternity, whether the mother would be determined by the egg donor or the host mother. See:

3. The standard technique of egg removal involves hormone treatments to release the eggs and collecting them with the aid of a needle inserted through the vagina. There is a newer technique that involves freezing ovarian tissue. This introduces another potential issue of sirus, the prohibition of maiming the reproductive organs. This might only be allowed if there is a clear fertility concern for the women herself. See Hebrew article in Assia 81-82, pp.62-63:


Meir Orlian


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