dietary supplements for chemotherapy after a mastectom


22 ביולי 2011

הרב המשיב: אחר


Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin shalom,
I will start chemotherapy after a mastectomy. I received recommendations to use dietary supplements to help my immune system during the treatment, called Camu Camu. The product is natural and made out of different herbs from the jungle in Peru, but it does not have Kashruth certification. Attached please see information on the product. For more information the web page is
I would appreciate very much your advise.


Many poskim are lenient with medications that are in tablet form or liquid without pleasant flavor.
Liquids with a pleasant flavor depend on the degree of medical need and potential kashrus issues of the product. In this particular case, the Pure Camu listed as a 100% extract, which seems to be a powder made into a drink. The Camu Gold is a liquid drop, which says: "Our Camu Gold™ is a highly-concentrated juice extract of certified organic Camu Camu, stabilized in vegetable glycerin. It contains no artificial preservatives, colorings, syntheticascorbic acid or any other additives."
Therefore, there does not seem to be a significant kashrus concern with either, and would seem permissible under the circumstances even without kashrus certification, if there isn't an equivalent product with Kashrus supervision. [There may be issues regarding the process line, but these are likely lesser issues is this kind of product.]
It would be advisable, in any case, to contact also the OU, or the website of Rabbi Tuvia Hod.
Refuah Sheleimah,
Meir Orlian


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