ENT training onm Shabbat


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


I am an ENT trainee / registrar and commencing from next week will be rostered for job responsibilities on Shabbat. While I will try to swap out in the first instance – it will be likely that I will not be able to swap all the shifts. Please advise of halachic rulings regarding driving to and from work; notable in this job I will be required to 'cover' 2 to 3 hospitals on a given weekend shift. Do you have a publication outlining the issues relating to:

1. Travel home from work if Shabbot is already in (does being married; with children make a difference in this regard?)

2. Being on call –

a) having to carry pager / phone

b) answering calls

c) calling consultant staff -for advice/ to notify admission/progress etc.

d) writing in the notes/ drug charts

3. travel into hospital to review patients on Shabbat a) for routine "in-patient" review and b) emergency review.

4. operating on patients (knot tying/ diathermy etc)

5. examination patients (involving turning on/off light source – particularly with ent – nasendoscopes; otoscopes)

6. traveling home on Shabbat after ward/emergency review of patients. (hospital is far / will be covering 2 different hospitals over Shabbat that are not close to each other)


See Nishmat Avraham (ArtScroll) vol 1 for answers to your questions

[book details: Nishmat Avraham : Medical Halachah for Doctors, Nurses, Health-Care Personnel and Patients – Artscroll Mesorah Publications – Vol. 1 Orach Chaim]


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