CPAP for OSA and Shabbat


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


I saw a question on your website concerning CPAP for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). I just got a CPAP machine and my Rav told me also about a timer. The problem is that the new machine has its own computer so that even with a timer on the main power you need to press buttons. I can't just leave it on because it would automatically shut off after some set time. It also senses when you exhale and inhale and lowers the air flow to make it easier to exhale. I might be able to turn this feature off but it helps with patient compliance.

It is becoming more recognized that the incidence of OSA high and its treatment CPAP very effective. I would suggest some research into this device.

Thank you!



The buttons should be pressed with a knuckle. You do not have to do anything about automatic changes in airflow.

The previous Responsa regarding CPAP on Shabbat: #2842 ; #3743 ; 4498


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