Does PGD for mitochondria excist?


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: אחר


Shalom rav,

a git jahr un a gesinnte winter

Raw Halperin, we met in Burgenstock in march at the confference I was the lady from Antwerp.

I have a question: Does PGD for mitochondria excist???

I have met a couple, their som was diagnosted with mitochondria and died at the age of 9.

As the child was also deaf, they neven told the family the truth….BUT because there is a lot of intermarriage in this family, and at several families children died, I told this couple to speak about it and make sure no cousins should marie a cousine anymore!!! As they are from "die alte zeiten" nobody speaks up.

So now my question: could all the kids have died from the same?

should these families be checked

and is there hope for this particular family to have an other child, they have bh 2 healthy daughters

This is confidential!!! I told them I will make some inquieries.

Hope you can give me an answer.

Thanks in advance, kol tuv Racheel Dranger


Dear Madam

There is PGD for many, but not all, mitochondrial diseases. In general, it depends on whether the disease resulted from a genetic change (mutation) in a gene that is encoded by the "usual" DNA (the DNA that is in the cell nucleus), or in the DNA of the mitchondria itself. In the frist instance, which is also more likely if there is inbreeding in the family, as you describe, PGD is often possible. In cases where the mutation is in the mitochondrial DNA the situation is more complicated. The only way to know for sure is to go for a medical consultation. There is excellent PGD in Belgium, and you are also welcome to come to the PGD clinic at Shaare Zedek.

Best wishes

Ephrat Levy-Lahad, MD


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