attending a diabetic clinic that runs on Saturday mornings


24 במרץ 2010

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Dear Rabbi Halperin

My name is B M. I am a South African doctor currently working in a government hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa. I recently had a job interview for a registrar post (equivalent to residency) in the department of internal medicine. It has come to my attention that the department will require me to do work on Shabbos that is potentially contrary to hallocha. The av Beis Din of Johannesburg, Rabbi Kurstag advised me to get in contact with your institute regarding questions that I have. One such question regards attending a diabetic clinic that runs on Saturday mornings. Duties include writing prescriptions and performing follow-up examinations, the chances of a situation of pikuach nefesh arising are minimal,unlikely but possible.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer. I am not looking to exploit loop-holes in hallocha, but rather the din regarding work on Shabbos.

Much thanks.

Yours sincerely



It is permissible to take part in such a program if and only if the following terms are met-

One: Halachic knowledge on the doctor's part, enabling him/her to tell what actions are forbidden MiDeoraitah or MiDerabanan; In what situations even the first type of Issurim are allowed, or only the latter kind.

Two: strong personal character enabling him/her to stand the Halachick ground and refrain from Chillul Shabbos when forbidden, even if for such a stand the Residency position will be lost.

If both terms are not met- it is not permissible.

If both are met- it is allowed, and in some cases is even a Mitzvah.


Please show the above answer to Rabbi Kurtstag, and then follow his instructions.


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