אמצעי מניעה ביחסי אישות בנוכחות HPV , HSV-1


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


To Whom It May Concern:

I am 46 years old; I have no children, and I have never been married. A number of months ago, I began to date a ba'alat teshuvah. Our relationship has progressed very nicely, and, b'ezrat Hashem, it appears that marriage is a very real and imminent possibility. Unfortunately there is a problem that has emerged. The woman that I am going out with has two sexually transmitted diseases, genital herpes (HSV-1) and human Papillomavirus (HPV, with genital warts). I have searched to the best of my ability in the modern responsa literature and in rabbinic journals, and I have not found anyone who directly addresses this topic.

My questions are, (1) What do the posekim of our generation have to say on this issue (i.e., marrying someone with an STD)? (I am positive that I am not the first religious Jew to deal with this problem.); (2) According to Halachah, what are my options?

(It did occur to me that one possibility may be that one could use the suggestion that is fund in She'elot u-Teshuvot Meharsham [Maftechot, Even ha-Ezer, Siman 268] that one could wear a condom for protection and there would not be a problem of haschatat zera if one makes a whole in the condom, which allows the zera to flow out. Even if this would be permissible, I am still not sure if all the zera has to flow out, which is clearly implied by the wording of the Meharsham, or if it would be sufficient if just some of the zera would flow out, as is indicated by the pesakim of Rav Elyashiv, Rav Vozner, and Rav Noivirt cited in Sefer Birkat Banim [p. 150, footnote 14, and p. 175, footnote 21].)

I anxiously look forward to your reply.


All the poskim who permit the use of a condom do so in the context of a married couple with a problem of shalom bayit (the break-up of a home). I know of no heter for someone to get married with the intent of using a condom (even with a hole) for the rest of his life. However, if the condom is completely open at it's end (with the risk of infection) so that the mitzvah of peru urvu can be carried out at all times, this might be permitted.


שאלות נוספות

מעמדו ההלכתי של חובש

רצוני לשאול מהו מעמדו ההלכתי של חובש במד"א, האם מעמדו ההלכתי הוא כשל רופא, (ונפקא מינה לעניין כל ההלכות שנאמרו ברופא, כמו למשל ההלכה שאסור

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שלום רב אני בת 30 נשואה +2 אני סובלת ממיגרנה מגיל 14 – מתחילת קבלת המחזור. המיגרנה החמירה לי אחרי ההריון הראשון ומאז יש לי

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