Implanted Loop Recorder for ECG on Shabbat


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: פרופ' א.ס. אברהם


Please find enclosed my question relating to the use of an ILR (Implanted Loop Recorder) for ECG on Shabbat in an area without an Eruv.

I have arrhythmias. I have bi-gemini, occasional SVT, and have periods of faintness (having passed out on four occasions). I also have periods of shortness of breath which do not appear to be related to SVT (a recording of one showed only bi-gemini). An ILR was inserted under my skin in the left pectoral area two weeks ago. Can the button for instructing the ILR to retain a record of an event be carried (in an appropriate manner) outside an area with an Eruv.

I would explain that I live in Manchester (England), which has no Eruv.

I look forward to your considered reply.

Could you please pass on my regards to Prof. Avraham Avraham. I would explain that I am originally from Birmingham, and remember him from my childhood.

Yours truly,

שלח המשך ב 26/12-06

apologise for troubling you for an answer.

It seems that the Implanted Loop Recorder (ILR) is showing occasional ventricular tachycardia as well as bi-gemini. It seems that the implant will be in place for some months.

Going out without the actuator button seems quite inadvisable, but missing minyanim on Shabbat for a long period is difficult!

I look forward to your considered reply.


You can carry the acuator button if this is done in an unusual fashion, for example, under your hat, inside the upper part of your sock or between your shirt and vest. When needed the button should be pressed using the knuckle of a finger.

I wish you a refuah shlema


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