Jewish hospitals


28 במאי 2006

הרב המשיב: Please see A. Steinberg M.D., Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics, pub. Feldheim Publishers (Jerusalem – New York, 2003) Vol. II, value "Hospitals", pp. 500 – 509, and the references there.


Mordechei Halperin.


Dear Dr. Halperin,

I am a professor of law and philanthropic studies at Indiana University, and I am doing research on Jewish hospitals.

I am trying to collect information about Jewish hospitals (primarily in the US) as a phenomenon, and identify what made/makes a hospital recognizably Jewish. Would you have any resources to assist me in this?

It is my understanding that Shaare Zedek practices medicine in accordance with Jewish law as a matter of policy.

Is this correct? If so, could you please tell me more about this and/or refer me to (English) sources – books, articles, etc. – that discuss the hospital’s conformity to Jewish law. This is very interesting to me because in the U.S., most (all?) hospitals founded or sponsored by the Jewish community do not have this policy. Are you aware of any that are like Shaare Zedek in this respect?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.



Dear Prof. Katz,



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הרב, תהיתי אם תוכל לענות לי על שאלה שמתרידה אותי. אני אישה בת 67 עם 11 ילדים, לכל ילד קראתי בשם אחד מהשבטים. ראובן, שמעון,

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