DNA test for an orpan to seek his family


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Hi Dr. Mordechi Helpern, my name is *** and I am a friend of Dr. Kotek. My wife *** is a student at the school of Pharmacy at Hadasa she suggested I contact you to find out information. I am an orpan and I have been contacted by a family in Hungary that say they are related to me. They sent a DNA kit so I could do a test, but I would like to make sure this DNA center is legitimate and this family really has a contract set up with the center. My wife suggested I try to make an appointment with you and show you the info. and see if you have time to check into it. I could pay for the telephone call to the DNA center in Hungary.

I look forward to your reply, Hag Samayach, .


We have no information about the reliability and the legitimacy of DNA center abroad. Try to contact POAA institute, Tel: 02-6515050.


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