תרומה למאגר כללי או לחולה לא יהודי


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


My family runs blood drives about 4 times a year. Recently, someone decided not to give blood because it was not being directly collected for a Jewish person. This has raised the following questions:

1) Is it halachically permitted to give blood for non-jews?

2) (If the answer to #1 is no) Is it halachically permitted to give blood to a general pool of blood that will likely be drawn upon by both jews and non-jews?

3) Is it halachically permitted to receive blood from non-jews or if the source is unknown? I understand that if one's life is in danger, all lifesaving measures may be taken, however, if there is even an issue regarding accepting "non-jewish" blood, I'd be interested in understanding the sources.

In all cases, I'd like to know which rabbanim poskin regarding these issues and how they decide.

Thank you for your time.


1.The answer is positive.

2. The answer here is also positive.

3. There is no prohibition concerning receiving blood from a gentile when it is medicaly indicated.

Nevertheless, it is always better to receive blood from a Jew, as his diet and life style are more similar to that of the receuver.


שאלות נוספות

כמוסות אומגה תרי

נתבקשתי ליטול להורדת הכולסטרול. רכשתי את המוצר כמוסות אומגה תרי של חברת תרימה, הבחנתי בתווית כי הכמוסה (נוזלית) מכילה גלטין 274 מ"ג לכמוסה וגליצרין 126

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