Rosh Hashanah

, "Rosh Hashanah" Halachot for Patient on The Sabbath, Festivals and Yom Kippur, עמ' 31.

Rosh Hashanah


213. That which is not permitted to be done for a patient on the first day of a Festival, may, if the prohibition is of Rabbinical origin, be done on the second day (Diaspora). However on the two days of Rosh Hashanah (whether in Israel or in the Diaspora) all Rabbinical prohibitions regarding a patient apply equally on both days[361].

214. A patient who is unable to go to the synagogue to hear the shofar should arrange for it to be sounded at home or hospital, and to hear the 30 statutory "sounds" (of the 100 usually blown)[362]. If necessary this may be done even before he has prayed shacharith or musqf[363].

215. A woman is exempt from the mitzvah of shofar[364]. However, since in practice women have taken this mitzvah upon themselves, if she has the opportunity to do so, she should, if at all possible, listen to at least 30 "sounds".

216. One should not eat before hearing the shofar[365]. However, a patient who would have no opportunity of hearing the shofar until much later in the day, and finds it difficult to fast until then, may recite the shacharith prayer, make kiddush, and eat. If he is too weak to recite the full shacharith prayer without first eating, he should at least recite the blessings of the Torah and the first paragraph of the shema before reciting kiddush and eating[366].

217. A patient who is unable to pray with a minyan, should not recite the musaf prayers until after a quarter of daylight has passed since sunrise. After this he may recite the prayers during the day[367] but preferably before 7 hours of daylight have passed[368]. Similarly, if possible, one should not arrange to hear the shofar until after a quarter of daylight has passed unless with a minyan[369].

218. On the second night of Rosh Hashanah the shehecheyanu blessing is recited after kiddush. A hospitalized or bedridden patient should try to arrange to have either a new fruit by the bedside or to wear a new garment (either of which would require this blessing), and bear in mind that the blessing applies both to the fruit (or garment) and to the Festival day[370]. The fruit is consumed immediately after eating at least 27gm of bread (following the blessing of hamotsi)[371]. If a new fruit (or garment) is not available, the shehecheyanu blessing is nevertheless recited[372].

219. Similarly a woman who is hospitalized should light the Festival candles and recite the blessing of shehecheyanu. She should eat the new fruit after having consumed at least 27gm of bread following the blessing of hamotsi[373]. She should light the

candles immediately prior to kiddush so that the fruit is eaten as soon as possible after lighting the candles[374].

220. A male patient who lights Festival candles should recite the shehecheyanu blessing with the kiddush. A woman patient who has recited the blessing of shehecheyanu when lighting Festival candles does not repeat this blessing with the kiddush even if she herself is reciting the kiddush[375].


[361] Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 31:27-28.

[362] Orach Chayyim 588:2 and 590:2.

[363] Written communication from R. Y.Y. Neuwirth.

[364] Orach Chayyim 589:3.

[365] Magen Avraham 692:7 and Mishnah Berurah 692:15 (end).

[366] Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 40:48.

[367] Orach Chayyim 591:8.

[368] Orach Chayyim 286:1.

[369] Mishnah Berurah 286:15.

[370] Orach Chayyim 600:2 and Mishnah Berurah 600:2.

[371] Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 47:44, note *.

[372] Orach Chayyim, ibid.

[373] Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 47:44, note **.

[374] Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 44, note 14.

[375] Kaf ha-Chayyim 514:112.

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